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Additional Parent Brochures - For Ten Minute Talks - Spelling

Package of 25 Parent Brochures

Each mini-workshop CD (M-1505 see below) includes a presentation slideshow, presenter script and 50 parent brochures to make it easy for schools to quickly share strategies/tips that are based on current research with parents in a matter of minutes. Offer a Ten Minute Talk at your next school event. For parents of children grades 1-6. ©2012.

50 parent brochures are included with the workshop CD (M-1505). If you need more - order them here. Come in packages of 25. There are also Spanish parent brochures available. See below.

B-2386    $17.95    Pamphlet   (English)

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Additional Parent Brochures - For Ten Minute Talks - Spelling
           Part of a set of 3.

"Ten Minute Talks - Spelling"
M-1505    $99.95       CD-ROM   (English)

"Additional Spanish Parent Brochures - For Ten Minute Talks - Spelling "
B-2388    $17.95       Pamphlet   (Spanish)

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